Another interesting nugget about George Bush's January 2007 Iraq "surge" plan. It's possible to read what's possibly the basis for the plan, in a civilian version, from its think-tank author, the AEI (American Enterprise Institute). You can hear a Senate FRC hearing where, of Jan 11, the AEI author (Kagan) and two panelists of differing view are quized by Senators.
The afternoon of Jan 11 2007, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations conducted more of its policy hearings on the Iraq war: The Remaining Options: Troop Surge, Partition, or Withdrawl. To watch the streaming video try a link here or here.
Three witnesses sat at opposing ends of the stay/exit spectrum.
- The Honorable Peter W. Galbraith, Senior Diplomatic Fellow, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, Washington, DC.
- Dr. Frederick W. Kagan. Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC
- Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter, Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies, CATO Institute, Washington, DC.
Other goop: Wikipedia entry for Galbraith; none for Carpenter but there is one for CATO Institute. One parting grain of sand in the oyster of the conspiracy ironists: the Wikipedia entry for F. W. Kagan reports that his father, Donald Kagan, is a profesor at... wait for it... Yale! You know... skull and crossbones and all that old-boy stuff. Hey, it's not what you know, it's who you know!